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Class 6 Dosbarth Chwech

Welcome to Class 6!

Croeso i Dosbarth Chwech!

Our current inquiry is:


The Last Goodbye!


AOLE Focus: Expressive Arts


Below is our Inquiry overview for our current topic


The outdoor environment will be used to develop physical health, well-being and team building skills. We aim to carry out 'Muddy Monday' sessions, every fortnight. We will send a schoolcomms reminder for each session and will inform you of any changes to dates. Pupils are asked to wear old/ suitable clothes to school and to bring wellies or old shoes to school in a labelled bag.


Our Sessions this term are:

Monday 29th April

Monday 20th May

Monday 17th June

Monday 1st July


We will continue to use a blended learning approach in class and Google Classroom will be used to allow the children to develop their independence when presenting their work and researching.



Reading books need to be brought into school daily to ensure that pupils can access them on a regular basis. We will continue to use Guided Group Reading sessions in class each week to continue to develop our reading and comprehension skills.

Please encourage your child to develop good reading habits by reading regularly at home. Pupils should read a variety of texts including fiction and non-fiction, and joining the local library will offer a wider range of books.



Cwtch Cymraeg

This term we will be looking at the following  questions/ sentence patterns in Welsh:

  • Ble est ti?
  • Where did you go?


  • Es i i/i’r [place] gyda [person] ar/yn [when].
  • I went to/ to the (place) with (person) on/in (when).


  • Sut est ti?
  • How did you go?


  • Es i mewn/ar y/yn y...
  • I went in a/ on the/ in the...


  • Gyda pwy?
  • With who?


  • Beth wyt ti wedi bod yn wnued?
  • What have you been doing?


  • Dw i wedi bod yn...
  • I have been...


  • Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?
  • What is the weather like today?


  • Sut oedd y tywydd ddoe/ ar y penwythnos?
  • What was the weather like yesterday/ on the weekend?

Physical Education


Our P.E day is:


Tuesday - Outdoors 

Friday - Indoors


Outdoor kit consists of tracksuit bottoms/ leggings, t-shirt/ jumper and trainers.

Indoor P.E kit should consist of plain black shorts/ leggings and a plain white t-shirt (no logos or slogans).


Earrings are not permitted to be worn for PE sessions and must be removed by the pupil or before coming to school. 


Long hair should be tied back and all hair accessories removed.


We participate in the Daily Mile where we run approximately 1 mile, come rain or shine!

Useful links/ access to resources:

Our Learning Journey
