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Maesteg Primary Cluster Attendance Approach

Attendance figures 8th  - 12th July 2024


Nursery 94%
Class 187.1%
Class 288%
Class 394.3%
Class 491.8%
Class 594.6%
Class 686.7%
Whole school91.5%


Attendance Launch 2023


On Monday 18th, September all schools throughout Bridgend County Borough will promote the importance of school attendance and punctuality as part of a BCBC ‘Attendance Launch’. All schools will participate in a range of activities with a focus on improving attendance and punctuality. 


As part of this launch, there will be a multi-agency approach where learners who are not in school with an unexplained absence, i.e., you have not notified the school why your child is not in school, may receive a visit from partner agencies, including Early Help and Education Welfare Service.


Please click below for further information and promotional materials


Please click below to view the BCBC Attendance video
