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Class 5 Dosbarth Pump

Welcome to Class 5

Croeso i Dosbarth Pump


Our line of enquiry is:

The Olympic Games


AOLE Focus: Humanities


Below is our inquiry focus for our learning this half term:



The outdoor environment will be used to develop physical health, well-being and team building skills. We aim to carry out 'Muddy Monday' sessions, every fortnight. We will send a message on the School Gateway app if there are any changes to our schedule. 


Our Muddy Monday dates are: 

29th April

20th May

17th June

1st July


You will be able to follow our learning journey on Google Classroom. See below for our overview of the upcoming inquiry. 


Cwtch Cymraeg!


Welcome to our Welsh corner. Here are some of the sentences we have been learning in the Welsh Language. 


Pwy wyt ti?

Who are you?

Sut wyt ti?

How are you?

Sut mae tywydd heddiw?

What is the weather like today?

Faint ydy dy oed di?

How old are you?

Ble wyt ti'n byw?

Where do you live?


Our next Welsh topic will be:

Sut wyt ti'n teimlo heddiw?

How are you feeling today?

Beth wyt ti'n hoffi wnued?

What do you like to do?

Faint o'r gloch ydy hi?

What time is it?

Beth ydy dy hoff raglen deledu? 

What is your favourite TV program?




Homework is set on Google Classroom every Wednesday, to be returned by the following Monday. Tasks will be linked to class inquiry and set after discussion with the pupils. Work can be completed on Google Docs or the Learning Logs we have sent home. Once a term, we will ask pupils to bring their Learning Logs into school. A message will be sent out via School Gateway when we are collecting the books.

Pupils should make every effort to complete their work with care and good presentation. Pupils should try to complete at least one task each week. Should you experience difficulties with Google Classroom / homework, please speak to Mr Bluck.



PE is every Monday and Wednesday

On Monday we have PE outside. Children should wear joggers, t-shirt, jumper and spare shoes. 

On Wednesday we have Indoor PE.  Children need black shorts or leggings and a white t-shirt. 


Earrings are not permitted to be worn for PE sessions and must be removed by the pupil or before coming to school. 


Long hair should be tied back and all hair accessories removed.


We participate in the Daily Mile where we run approximately 1 mile, come rain or shine!



Reading books need to be brought into school as often as possible as pupils have opportunities to read in class on a daily basis. Please encourage your child to develop good reading habits by reading regularly at home. Pupils should read a variety of texts including fiction and non-fiction, and joining the local library will offer a wider range of books.


We continue to use Oxford Reading Buddy, a digital reading service, to provide a wider selection of books for our children to read. Sign-in cards have been sent home and the site can be accessed on most devices. As well as reading books, the site develops comprehension skills through fun quizzes and offers badges/ rewards on completion. Once again, please use this website to promote wider reading at home.

Useful websites/ information: