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Class 3 Dosbarth Tri

Welcome to Class 3!


Croeso i dosbarth tri!


Our current inquiry is:


We've all got rights


AOLE Focus: Health and Wellbeing 


Below is our inquiry overview for this half term.





The outdoor environment will be used to develop physical health, well-being and team building skills. We aim to carry out 'Muddy Monday' sessions, every fortnight. We will send a Schoolcomms reminder for each session and will inform you of any changes to dates. 


Our Muddy Monday dates for this term are: 

Monday 16th September

Monday 30th September

Monday 14th October

Pupils will learn how to record their work in different media on Seesaw and Google Classroom, support their learning and carry out research using the internet to aid their lines of inquiry.



In our welsh lessons we will be looking at the following language pattern and how we can extend our answers:


Beth wyt ti'n wneud?

What are you doing?


Extend our answers using:


achos - because 

ond - but





Reading books need to be brought into school on a Monday if they are completed, to have books changed and sent back home. Please encourage your child to develop good reading habits by reading regularly at home. Pupils should read a variety of texts including fiction and non-fiction, and joining the local library will offer a wider range of books.

As part of our Group Guided Reading all children will read in a group setting once a week to develop reading aloud, comprehension, group discussion and confidence.


Our P.E days are:


Tuesday  -  INDOORS

Wednesday - OUTDOORS


Outdoor kit consists of tracksuit bottoms / leggings, t-shirt / jumper and trainers.

Indoor PE kit should consist of plain black shorts/leggings and a plain white t-shirt.


Earrings are not permitted to be worn for PE sessions and must be removed by the pupil or before coming to school.

Long hair should be tied back and all hair accessories removed.


We participate in the Daily Mile where we run approximately 1 mile come rain or shine!

Access resources using the links below:

Our Learning Journey
