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Class 1 Dosbarth Un

Welcome to Class 1!

Croeso i Ddosbarth Un!



Our inquiry is:


"You've Got a Friend in Me!"

AOLE Focus: Health and Well-Being

An inquiry focused on how we follow a set of rules when playing with our friends. The importance of friendship and how it can enrich our lives.


Click on the link to see an overview of our current inquiry.



Reading books will be sent home each WEDNESDAY and are to be returned on MONDAY in order for them to be changed.

Please encourage your child to develop good reading habits by reading for 10 minutes every day.

Before reading the story, if the book contains Speed Sounds, Green and Red words which form part of our Read, Write Inc Scheme, then please focus on these first.

Speedy words are also at the back of the book for children to practise.

Whilst your child reads, ask questions about the story / characters to develop comprehension skills. Pupils should read a variety of texts including fiction and non-fiction, and joining the local library will offer a wider range of books. 

Please leave a comment in their reading record to tell us how your child did and return with the book.




Click on the link below for phrases to help with letter formation.

Cwtch Cymraeg

Welcome to our Welsh corner. Here are some of the sentence patterns we will be learning in the Welsh language. 

Pwy wyt ti?

Who are you? (Similar to asking what is your name?)

Sut wyt to heddiw?  Sut wyt ti'n teimlo?         Dw i'n sal.
How are you today?   How are you feeling?      I am ill / sick.

Dw i'n hapus.    Dw i'n drist.      Dw i'n fendigedig!     Dw i'n wedi blino.      Dw i'n ar ben y byd!               Dw i'n grac!

I am happy.       I am sad.           I am wonderful.         I am tired.               I am on top of the world!       I am angry!


Reviewing parts of the body

pen       ysgwyddau    coes     troed      llygaid     clustiau    trwyn     ceg         bola          cefn       braich

head      shoulders    leg        foot        eyes        ears         nose       mouth    stomach     back      arm


Learning how to describe illness.

Mae pen tost 'da fi.             Mae ceg tost 'da fi.      etc.

I have a headache.              I have a sore mouth.

Our P.E day is:


Wednesday - INDOORS

Thursday  -  OUTDOORS


Indoor PE kit should consist of plain black shorts / leggings and a plain white t-shirt (no logos or slogans).

Outdoor kit consists of a tracksuit bottoms / leggings, t-shirt / jumper and trainers.


Earrings are not permitted to be worn for PE sessions and must be removed by the pupil or before coming to school.

Long hair should be tied back.


We participate in the Daily Mile where we run approximately 1 mile come rain or shine!

Useful websites that we use in class:

Immersion Day

We enjoyed playing games with our friends.
